tisdag 11 januari 2011

Dag 33- Sunset rules: Fotosession of the UK team!

Today, Sunset woke up early. The wind had been blowing all night and we were many coming before "lunch" for a sweet Sunset session before moving north in the afternoon.
At 11am 4,8 Black Tip was just perfect. Went for a 2 hour session in up to 2m waves, with much more steady wind than yesterday. Just a bit sad it increased so quickly.

By 1p.m. everybody was either giving up or changing to 4,2.
UK theme today on the blogg, as I decided to shoot more seriously the "UK windsurf team" represented today by Ben Profitt and Andy Bubble Chambers.

Ben Profitt was sailing strongly, Front loops, Backies, 1-handed backies and Push Table jump wise. Surf wise it was all about Goyters!

See the webbalbum below:

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